Codfish salad
Cod salad, an ideal starter or accompaniment to start a meal. A light and complete salad. The cod...
Cod salad, an ideal starter or accompaniment to start a meal. A light and complete salad. The cod...
Cod and pepper potato omelette, a very complete, delicious omelet. Tortillas are very ideal for a dinner...
Easter is approaching and cod is one of the most consumed fish. With cod we can...
Let's prepare some torrijas with cream. The typical torrijas of the Holy Week season, we can prepare them in...
Wind fritters, the Lent season is approaching and wind fritters cannot be missed. These fritters are the...
Pinto beans, an ideal spoon dish for these cold days. The pinto beans are very creamy, they are very...
Baked cod with potatoes and peppers, an excellent dish with a perfect combination since cod goes...
Pestiños, a traditional sweet that is prepared during Easter and Christmas. The pestiños are a sweet...
We are going to prepare a hake in sauce, a simple and easy recipe to prepare. Hake is a white fish...
Piquillo pepper and tuna salad, a delicious and easy salad to make, with a lot of flavor. Peppers...
Torrijas with red wine, a very popular sweet that is consumed during Holy Week. Torrijas consists of taking advantage of bread...