Oriental style fried rice with sweet and sour sauce
Asian food is a favorite of many people in hundreds of countries, and one of the dishes...
Asian food is a favorite of many people in hundreds of countries, and one of the dishes...
Today I bring you this recipe for oriental-style chicken with almonds, one of the best-known dishes in...
I'm sure that many times while tasting the three delicacies rice in a Chinese restaurant you have wondered what its ingredients are...
I have wanted a wok for a long time because I think it is a great way to consume vegetables, it is very easy to prepare...
More and more Asian delicacies fill our kitchens. Maybe because it is a different food and on many occasions...
Ingredients: 12 chicken wings 2 tablespoons honey 2 tablespoons sherry 1 clove garlic 1/2 tablespoon...