Potato and minced meat bombs
Today I bring you this delicious recipe for potato bombs stuffed with meat, a dish that children love. In...
Today I bring you this delicious recipe for potato bombs stuffed with meat, a dish that children love. In...
Long live Argentina! (and their roasts, empanadas and sauces). Today I share with you what, without a doubt, is my favorite sauce-dressing...
Today we are going to make some alfajores with dulce de leche and coconut. Like all traditional sweets they have multiple formulas...
Today we are going to prepare a potato pie with meat. It is an economical recipe, ideal as a main dish or dish...
We all have the memory of the bread that our grandmother made for us and that we were never able to taste again. Today you...
If you have access to being able to buy or raise a chicken without as many hormones as the ones we get in the supermarket,...
Ideal for making exquisite sandwiches with a lot of flavor, you can spread this on toast, mini toasts, breads, canapés, or integrate it into...
These delicious pork steaks make 4 servings, ideal to accompany a good white wine. It's an easy recipe...
A delicious sponge cake, different to eat like this or in two layers and fill it with whatever you like, personally for me...
Ingredients: 4 rump or shoulder steaks of 200 Gr each 1 onion cut into julienne strips 1 red pepper cut...
Ingredients Mushrooms, 400 g (112 Kcal) Oil spray, necessary amount (10 Kcal) Garlic cloves, 4 (10 Kcal) Parsley...