Canned pears in syrup

Today's proposal is to prepare a healthy canning of pears in syrup, being an ideal food for you to use in sweet rolls, decorate tartelets or cakes and also to be able to keep it for up to six months, in airtight jars.


1 kilo of pears
1 liter of water
250 grams of sugar
juice of 1 lemon


First peel all the pears, remove the center and cut them into pieces. Then, in a pot, prepare the syrup, with the sugar and water and cook over low heat for 30 minutes. Mix to this preparation, the pieces of pears and the lemon juice.

Next, boil this preparation for approximately 8 minutes. Remove and pack in glass jars with a hermetic lid, cover with the syrup and sterilize in a water bath for 25 minutes. Let them cool and store until ready to use.

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