Ham and cheese burritos

Ham and cheese burritos or fajitas, typical of Mexican food, although the traditional ones are made with beef or veal and with corn pancakes. But nowadays cuisine reaches all places and traditions and culture have been mixed.

Today I propose another version of burritos, since We can make them anything we like, we can put chicken, fish, vegetables ...Cooking is pure fun, you can enjoy with the little ones making this recipe, and filling the burritos with what they like the most.

This recipe for ham and cheese burritos, it's like a bikini, I prepare it by heating it on the grill, but it can be done coldThey are also good and so you have less work.

Ham and cheese burritos
Recipe type: incoming
Rations: 4
Preparation time: 
Cooking time: 
Total time: 
  • 4 wheat or corn pancakes
  • 8 slices of cheddar or melt cheese
  • 8 slices of ham
  • 4 hard-boiled eggs
  • 1 tub of cheese spread optional
  • Lettuce to accompany
  1. We put a saucepan with water, when it starts to boil we will put the eggs to cook for 10-15 minutes.
  2. We place each pancake on plates or on the counter, spread each one with a little spreadable cheese, on top of each pancake we put 2 slices of ham, we can also put it into small pieces, on top of it the two slices of cheese.
  3. When the eggs are hard, we let them cool, we cut them into minced pieces and we will put it on top of the cheese.
  4. When we have all ready we roll them up, putting the sides inside so that the ingredients remain inside.
  5. We put a griddle on the fire, when it is hot we lower the heat a little, we spread it with a little butter, we put the rolls until the cheese is melted and a little golden on the outside.
  6. If we want them cold, we just have to heat the pancakes on a griddle back and forth and fill them the same.
  7. We accompany lettuce and eat !!!


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