Blackberry jam strudels very easy!

Blackberry jam strudels

It is a dessert that we propose today is easy to prepare. It is a quick version of Apfelstrudel, a traditional dessert of Austrian and German cuisine that consists of a roll of filo pastry or Stuffed puff pastry applesauce, cinnamon, raisins, breadcrumbs ...

To make this blackberry jam strudel we will use very few ingredients: puff pastry, blackberry jam and a bath made with eggs and sugar. Of course you can change the filling and choose the jam or jam that you like the most: strawberry, blueberries, berries, plum ...

Easy Blackberry Jam Strudels
Rations: 8
Preparation time: 
Cooking time: 
Total time: 
  • 1 sheet of puff pastry
  • Blackberry jam
  • 1 egg
  • 1 teaspoon of liquid cream
  • Sprinkle sugar
  1. We preheat the oven at 190ºC and line the tray with baking paper.
  2. In a bowl we mix the egg, the cream and a pinch of sugar. We beat and reserve.
  3. We stretch the dough puff pastry on a lightly floured surface until a rectangle is approximately 7mm thick (18x40cm).
  4. We cut the dough with a pizza cutter, creating small rectangles; in my case 16.
  5. Using the brush, we smear the edges of each rectangle with the egg mixture so that later it is easy to seal them.
  6. We place a teaspoon of jam in the center of the middle of the rectangles.
  7. Then, we take the remaining rectangles and place them on each of the previous ones. We press the edges well and finish them seal with a fork.
  8. We place the strudel on the oven tray and we take to the fridge 15 minutes.
  9. We take out of the refrigerator and use the brush to paint the surface of each of them with the egg mixture. Afterwards, we sprinkle sugar.
  10. We take to the oven (medium height) 25 min. or until puff pastry is puffed and golden.
  11. We take out and let cool.


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