Black fideuá with cuttlefish

Black fideuá with cuttlefish. A delicious and simple dish. I really like this fideuá, the cuttlefish with its ink gives a lot of flavor to this dish, also the homemade fish broth gives it a lot of flavor.

Black fideuá with cuttlefish
Recipe type: Rice
Rations: 4
Preparation time: 
Cooking time: 
Total time: 
  • 400 grams of noodles nº2
  • 1 liter of fish stock
  • 1 cuttlefish and its ink
  • 1-2 sachets of ink
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 200 gr. natural tomato
  • 250 gr. peeled prawns
  • Oil
  • Sal Island
  1. To prepare the black fideuá with cuttlefish, we make a homemade fish broth.
  2. In a paella we add the noodles over medium low heat, brown them, remove and reserve.
  3. We chop the cuttlefish, we are careful with the ink bag.
  4. Put a splash of oil in the paella, add the cuttlefish and sauté for a few minutes, then add the peeled prawns, sauté with the cuttlefish and leave the cuttlefish and peeled prawns on one side of the pan. Chop the garlic, add it to the pan on one side, if necessary add a little more oil, before the garlic takes color add the tomato. Let it cook for a few minutes.
  5. Mix everything, add a little fish broth, when it is hot add the black ink from the cuttlefish and if you have a bag of ink too, for this amount you need 2-3 more bags apart from the one that the cuttlefish has, I just put a little bag Mix well with the broth. Add the already toasted noodles.
  6. We will have the hot fish broth, we add it to the pan. Let cook until the noodles absorb the broth, it must be well dry. Taste for salt to rectify.
  7. When we see that they are already dry, we increase the heat for 2-3 minutes and thus all the noodles will rise, turn off and let rest.


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