Beans with sausage

Beans with butifarra, a typical dish of the region of Catalonia. It is a very simple dish, but what makes this dish good is the quality of its ingredients. Some good beans cooked just right, like the ganxet which is a very fine and soft bean and is used for this dish, but we can use another type.

The sausage is also important, that it is fresh, we can make it in the pan, but if you make it grilled it is much better. It is worth trying this dish, it is very complete and delicious.

Beans with sausage
Recipe type: plato
Rations: 4
Preparation time: 
Cooking time: 
Total time: 
  • 500 white beans or ganxet
  • 1 cebolla
  • 4 sausages
  • Oil
  • Sal Island
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • Parsley
  1. You can skip the step of cooking the beans and buy them already cooked, if they are from a pot you have to wash and drain them well and then put them in the pan with the garlic and parsley.
  2. We will soak the beans overnight. To cook the beans, we will put them in a pot covered with water, the onion, a splash of oil and salt, we will let them cook until they are cooked for about 45 minutes, it will depend on the beans.
  3. You can make it in the pressure cooker, it will be long before.
  4. While they cook we prepare the sausages, we will prick them with a fork or a toothpick, so that they do not open, we will put them on a griddle with a little oil and we will do them until they are golden brown. We booked.
  5. When the beans are ready, drain them well. In a frying pan we put a little oil, we chop the garlic, we add them and without them getting to brown we put the beans, we sauté them so that they take on the flavor, we chop parsley and we distribute it over the beans.
  6. We serve the beans very hot with the sausage.
  7. And ready!!!


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      Juan said

    And how do you add the onion?

      March said

    They have turned out great, thank you very much for the recipe, simple and fast but very tasty and nutritious