Artisan chocolate donuts

Artisan chocolate donuts

Is to think of the word donuts'and the "dreaded" (by all) industrial pastries come to my mind without remedy. Everyone knows the great health disadvantages of this type of pastry, but it is also true that as they say: "Once a year does not hurt". Still, for those who prefer to "sweeten" their morning breakfast or afternoon snack with something more traditional and homemade, we bring you this recipe for today: Artisan chocolate donuts.

They are very simple to make and are much healthier than store bought ones. Then we leave you with the ingredients that are necessary and with the step by step.

Artisan chocolate donuts
These artisan chocolate donuts will sweeten you mornings or afternoons ... You choose the time of day to taste them!
Kitchen: Spanish
Recipe type: Dessert
Rations: 20
Preparation time: 
Cooking time: 
Total time: 
  • 250 ml water
  • 100 gr sugar
  • 1 teaspoon yeast
  • 2 teaspoons of salt
  • 620 gr of pastry flour
  • 60 grams of butter
  • Yolks 4
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla essence (optional)
  1. We catch a bowl (1st) and add the warm water, half a teaspoon of yeast and a tablespoon of sugar. Mix and let it rest for a few minutes.
  2. En another bowl (2nd), we mix the ingredients like the sugar, flour, and the other half a teaspoon of yeast that we had left.
  3. In a third bowl somewhat larger, we put the egg yolks, the vanilla essence and the butter. We beat well with the help of a blender.
  4. Next, in this large bowl, we mix the mixture from the first one, and stir well. We also add the second bowl and begin to knead the mixture to form a soft and smooth ball. When we have it done, we let it rest for an hour and a half approximately (it will increase in volume).
  5. Next, on a smooth base and with flour so that it does not stick, we place the ball of dough and we crush with the help of a roller, leaving a thickness of about 2 centimeters. And we are cutting the donuts with a special mold. We will get approximately 20 doughnuts.
  6. We place them on a baking tray, paint it with a kitchen brush with some sunflower oil and put it in 180 ºC about 20 minutes until they are somewhat golden. When they are like this, we set aside.
  7. Then you can put the coverage you want. In our case we have chosen one chocolate cover made from dark chocolate (one tablet) and a gelatin envelope. In which we have introduced the donuts one by one and left to cool in the refrigerator for about a couple of hours.
Nutritional information per serving
Calories: 300


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