Leek cake, simple but delicious

Leek cake, simple but delicious

Leek cake, simple but delicious

This leek cake is the practical example that delicious things don't have to be difficult or expensive. With few ingredients and the simplest, this cake is delicious and whenever I put it it triumphs at home. What's more, it has become one of my favorites.

Leek cake is eaten warm, but cold it is also very tasty, so it is perfect if we have food at home because we can prepare it in advance and take it out of the fridge for a while to temper it. And of course ideal to take it to eat if we plan to spend the day outside. Be that as it may, you have to try it !!

Leeks Pie
Preparation time: 
Cooking time: 
Total time: 
  • 1 sheet of puff pastry
  • 1 cebolla
  • 2 leeks
  • 2 eggs
  • 200 ml of cream
  • olive oil
  • salt and pepper
  1. The first thing we have to do is take the puff pastry out of the fridge to warm it up. We also turn on the oven at 200ºC.
  2. We start with the vegetables. Chop the onion and leeks and in a pan with olive oil and a pinch of salt, we poach them over low heat. We don't want the vegetables to brown, just to be soft.
  3. When we have them we put them in a bowl. We add the 200 ml of cream and 1 egg. We mix well. We already have the filling ready.
  4. We take the dough and spread it on the mold that we are going to use, we adapt it with our fingers. We cut the excess that we will use to decorate.
  5. Now we puncture the bottom so that it does not rise, if we have we can put vegetables so that it has weight. We bake about 5 ′.
  6. We take the dough out of the oven, pour the filling. If we are going to decorate with dough this is the moment, I put some crossed strips on it. Now we beat the other egg and pour it on top.
  7. Baked again, this time about 20 ′ or until you see the set filling and the golden puff pastry.


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      Luis said

    As a suggestion: In point 2, if we also add some jambs sautéed in pieces or bacon in sauteed pieces, it will also give it a very tasty touch. This is how my mother used to do it ...
    Thank you

         Maria vazquez said

      Thanks Luis, good suggestions! I have tried it with bacon and even with pieces of ham. Many varieties can be made 😉

      biggemann said

    The result is great! The recipe doesn't say where to put the pepper (although it's obvious), but it's excellent!