Diabetics: light cottage cheese and apple cake

We will prepare a delicious and healthy light cottage cheese and apple cake especially so that all diabetics can enjoy a generous portion with a very sweet flavor without deprivation.


5 apples
500 grams of unsalted cottage cheese
1 teaspoon sweetener
2 claras
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
ground cinnamon, for dusting (optional)


Peel the apples and remove the inner part and the seeds. Cook them in a pot with water, then remove some of the liquid and mash them with a fork but without completely falling apart.

Next, butter a baking dish and cover with a layer of apples. Apart in a bowl, place the cottage cheese, the egg whites, the sweetener and the vanilla, mix lightly and distribute this preparation over the apples. Cook in a moderate to hot oven for 35 minutes. Finally, remove the cake, let it cool, and then remove it from the mold. If you want you can sprinkle it with cinnamon powder.

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