Cauliflower, that food, as repudiated as it is loved, in equal parts ... Well yes! I am convinced that this Cauliflower Salad Very few people will make it, and these are some of the reasons: its bad smell while it is cooking, gives gases and its flavor is somewhat peculiar. But we also tell you the good side of eating cauliflower (more benefits than disadvantages):
- It has a high water content and a low energy content, which is why cauliflower is ideal in weight control diets.
- Great source of vitamin C, fiber, folic acid, magnesium, potassium y football.
- It has antioxidant properties that help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
- They are good if you are to retain fluids for their diuretic property.
Do you now dare to eat cauliflower? Surely we have encouraged you to make this dish look soon in your kitchen tables.
Cauliflower Salad
Cauliflower salad will bring you countless benefits due to the good properties of all its ingredients. Healthy and rich!
Author Carmen Guillen
Kitchen: Spanish
Recipe type: Salads
Rations: 5-6
Preparation time:
Cooking time:
Total time:
- 1 cauliflower
- 2 medium cucumbers
- 2 tomates
- 3 boiled eggs
- 3 cans of tuna in olive oil
- 1 and ½ fresh onion
- Wine vinegar
- Olive oil
- Sal Island
- We boil the cauliflower, previously washed and cut into cubes, for approximately 20-25 minutes over high heat.
- In a large bowl we are adding the rest of the ingredients while the cauliflower boils. Add the cucumbers, peeled and cut into slices, the tomatoes cut into cubes, the previously cooked eggs, the tuna along with the accompanying olive oil and the onion and fresh half cut into small slices.
- Once the cauliflower boils, we will remove the water and add it to the rest of the ingredients.
- Now all you need is dress this healthy salad with olive oil, vinegar and salt (to the taste of consumers).
Nutritional information per serving
Calories: 190