Baked pork cheeks


The cheeks are a very tender and juicy meat from the face of the pig, it is also a cheap meat  with which we can prepare different dishes.

Today I propose Baked pork cheeks, there is a party recipe, juicy, tender and a very complete dish.

Baked pork cheeks
Recipe type: first
Rations: 4
Preparation time: 
Cooking time: 
Total time: 
  • 8 cheek pads
  • 3 potatoes
  • 3 onions
  • Carrots 3
  • 3 tomates
  • 200 ml. white wine
  • 4-5 garlic cloves
  • parsley
  • Sal Island
  • Pepper
  • Buy
  1. First we will turn on the oven at 200º.
  2. In a baking tray we will put the peeled potatoes and cut into 2 cm slices. thick, the tomatoes in quarters, we will also put the carrots cut into slices and the onion in quarters, we will put everything on the tray forming a base.
  3. We clean the cheek pads of fat, we make a couple of cross-shaped cuts to make them better on the inside and we season them.
  4. We put them on top of all the vegetables that we have put on the oven plate and sprinkle with a good jet of oil and bake for about 20 minutes.
  5. While in a mortar we chop the garlic with the parsley and add the white wine. We booked.
  6. After this time we take them out of the oven and sprinkle them with the minced garlic and wine and put them in the oven a little lower at 180º.
  7. We will leave them for another 40-50 minutes, it will depend on the size of the cheeks, and we will turn them over so that they are browned all over.
  8. And they will be ready.
  9. With vegetables such as onion, tomato and carrot we can prepare a sauce, we take half of these vegetables, put a little water and grind it, we taste salt and heat.
  10. There is a very good sauce to accompany the meat along with the potatoes and the rest of the vegetables.

Go ahead and try the veal in sauce:

Veal cheeks in sauce
Related article:
Veal cheeks in Porto sauce

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      ana said

    Very good and complete recipe